lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

Don't Touch Me!

 His body tensed, his jaw clenched and his fist did the same, hurting the palm of his hands with his own sharp claws. 

That girl was hugging him again.

Normally Black Hat managed to avoid her with ease, but sometimes she was able to trap him in her strong arms. 

Demencia giggled happily, hearts in her eyes, drooling like a maniac, like one of those rabid racoons that she liked so much. 

He growled at her, menacingly, but Demencia ignored him, hugging him more tightly. 

Black Hat HATED to be touched without permission and very few had that privilege, Demencia wasn’t one of them.

He had warned her many times no to do so, to NOT touch him, but she was defiant and dumb. To obsess with him to listen to his warnings. 

Black Hat was breathing heavily, like a cornered animal. He wasn’t scared of her precisely, but her actions made him feel uncomfortable, uneasy and...Dirty. 

She was dirty, he was dirty, the whole situation felt dirty. 

That unwanted physical contact felt disgusting and like a threat. 

Maybe it was stupid for him to feel that way, he was way stronger than her. He could throw her to the other side of the room, he could kill her or, simply, disappear in a poof of smoke. 

But his body was paralyzed with the disgusting feelings, her warmth, her smell, her excited breathing... It made him feel dizzy and nauseous. 

It felt like he was prey and she had captured him, the hunting was successful and, now, he was going to be eaten. 

She got closer to his face, her eyes closed, ready to kiss him...

Suddenly Demencia fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Flug was at the door behind her, weapon in hand, he had shot her in the back. 

Black Hat sighed in relief, his body relaxed immediately. 

“Doctor~” he smiled. 

“Are you ok?” Flug asked, moving Demencia’s body away with his foot. 

“I’m fine” he nodded. 

“Good...” Flug reached to his boss’s face, but stopped mid way “Can I?”

“Please do”.

Flug caressed his cheeks, trying to comfort him. 

Black Hat purred like a kitten, closing his eye in delight. 

“You sure you’re ok?”

“Yes, I just... I couldn’t move, I don’t know why, she’s weaker, she... It was only a couple of seconds, but it felt like eternity”

“I know, but it’s ok now” Flug smiled “Can I?”

“I love that you always ask” Black Hat smiled and nodded. 

Flug kissed him and Black Hat wished for that feeling to last an eternity too.