sábado, 8 de octubre de 2022

8- Elegant:

Elegant was a good way to describe Black Hat, always with his cold and fearsome demeanor of prestige, his rigid posture, hands behind his back, his smile a mixture of cordiality and disdain.
The adorable clumsy Flug was the opposite of all that of course, maybe it wasn't obvious at first glance, but there wasn't that much of a height difference within him and his boss, Flug´s posture was just terrible. 
Black Hat tried to correct it, he tried to teach him to walk with elegance, with firmness and dignity, but it was impossible. Flug always had his nose in some book, gadget or clipboard containing his chores for the day. Without mentioning that he had to left feet and it wasn´t rare to see him trip with himself. 
However there was an exception, when they danced together in perfect synchrony, without the necessity of words, just glances and sutil movements, Flug was, without doubt, elegant. 
They were like birds in a sutil courtship dance.
The couple of villains rarely expressed feelings with words, but in that dance wasn't necessary, their compatibility was undeniable. 

8- Elegante:

Elegante era una buena forma de describir a Black Hat, siempre con su frío y temible aire de prestigio, su postura rígida, sus manos tras la espalda, su sonrisa una mezcla de cordialidad y desdén.
El adorablemente torpe Flug era todo lo contrario por supuesto, quizás no se notaba a simple vista, pero no había tanta diferencia de altura entre él y su jefe, Flug sencillamente tenía una postura terrible. 
Black Hat había intentado corregirlo, intentó enseñarle a caminar con elegancia, firmeza y dignidad, pero era imposible. Flug siempre tenía la nariz en algún libro, artilugio o portapapeles conteniendo sus tareas del día. Sin mencionar que tenía dos pies izquierdos y no era raro verlo tropezar consigo mismo. 
Sin embargo había una excepción, cuando danzaban juntos en perfecta sincronía, sin necesidad de palabras, solo miradas y movimientos sutiles, Flug era, sin duda, elegante.
Eran como aves en una sutil danza de cortejo.
La pareja villanos rara vez expresaban sus sentimientos en palabras, pero en aquella danza no era necesario, su compatibilidad era innegable.