viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022

14- Fanchild(s):

In its majority this is something that I wrote for a fic, maybe I'd make it public someday, who knows. 

Biologically speaking the four are only Flug´s children and each pair has different mothers.

Flug is not human in this universe, he used to be, but a curse weighs on him. He´s a Nachzehrer, a tipe of undead who´s born from suicide or accidental death. They are long-lived creatures who live around a milenia. They have the necessity to feed on the living, consuming blood and flesh. Normally a Nachzehrer loses their humanity and mind once they awake from their supposed death, but Flug seems to be a special case. 

Flug's examples

The first pair of twins, kids of Flug and his wife Venus:

The sweet Venus, I think I make her to pretty for him XD

Their names are with M of 𝓜𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽

Malicia (Malice): Daddy little Princess. A girl who makes honor to her name, cold and cruel like the being who raised her, always interested in villainy and the occult. She possesses an innate ability for the dark magic that her father has been teaching her since she was little. She lacks compassion and has an excellent instinct for business. Black Hat seriously considers giving her the control of the company if one day he decides to retire. 

The princess herself

Misantropia (Misanthropy): Flug´s favorite, future evil genius. He's way more cheerful than his sister, but not less dangerous. He has a calculating mind that is not hindered by a soft heart like happens with Flug. Science and experiments come first and feelings later, in his opinion. 

Don't trust that smile

Later, outside of the fanfic that I mentioned, Black Hat wanted more children, because it turns out that raising future villains and agents of evil is something that he's really good at. 

The second pair of twins, kids of Flug and Ceres, a member of BHO and or BH´s cult. She acted as a surrogate. 

                                                  The sacriffice The disturbed Ceres

Masacre (Massacre): For some reason this boy was born with the full weight of his father´s (Flug) curse. He can feel and think, but his reasoning is many times overshadowed by strong instincts of hunger and violence.

                                           They don't let him out alone

Miseria (Misery): The white? Sheep of the family, a girl whos personality can resemble Demencia´s, crazy and impulsive for a taste for giving punches, but she doesn't have and interest in villainy, a possible betrayal is brewing in her. 

She's not to be trusted

In case you were wondering what Malicia, Misantropía and Miseria look like when they don't hide their eyes:

As you can see, they have their mother's human eye, however Miseria's older sister Malicia ripped out her eye, so she wears an eyepatch.

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