martes, 11 de octubre de 2022

11- Book (Diary):

Black Hat has a diary, an old book of infinite yellowish pages, unlined paper of the highest quality, everything wrapped in elegant black leather. 

His writing is very distinctive, with its curls and loops, his language is concise but opulent.

The majority of entries are brief, a summary of the day, but others go a little deeper. The day that he met Flug, for example, three pages of his thigh writing narrating how the doctor came, literally, from the sky. 

Some pages are full of doodles and little drawings, he is not bad at drawing, but his ink strokes lack his usual subtlety, not at all as elegant as his handwriting.

Black Hat keeps his diary under maximum security, because if one day Flug sees it, the demon would die of embarrassment... Or the closest thing to die at least. 

Between the curly letters and those drawings of mundane things, there's Flug. 

His name is surrounded by hearts. 

Doctor is always written as Doctor~. 

Drawings of him doing the most mundane things, like if Black Hat have been observing him carefully for a long time. And he had, didn't he? Because in those drawings, lacking his usual elegance, were hiding the most subtle gestures of his muse, the way he moves his hands, his posture, the changes in the look of his eyes. 

The drawings are rough because Black Hat made them with passion before his constant necessity for perfection. 

In that diary he poured his heart, his ideas, his passions and all the love and admiration that he feels for his husband. 

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