jueves, 27 de octubre de 2022

27- Horror :

There was blood everywhere, on the floor, in the walls, in his hands, in his clothes, in his mouth...

It tasted like metal...It tasted delicious.

He couldn't control himself, that man made him angry, a weird thing in him to get really angry and lose control, but it happened sometimes. It was then when he left his instincts and that curse of his take control.

Flug spat out a mass of flesh and cartilage too tough to chew and searched with his hands, eager, for the softer parts. The soft muscles, the tender entrails...

Oh, he couldn’t think at all! He just wanted to devour and lost himself in it! Every bite was a step closer to losing his sanity, his mind, what made Flug, Flug. 

Black Hat watched him from the shadows, what his scientist actually was, was no secret for him, he liked the butchery, but still...

“Flug” he called, firmly. 

The doctor didn’t answer, only growled softly, taking more chunks of human flesh into his mouth, devouring avidly.

Black Hat sigh, annoyed and slightly worried, he had seen that happen before, it was never easy to snap the other out of his trance, he feared that one day he wouldn't come back from it. 

He took a step closer and Flug backed away, draggin his prey like an animal. He took another step and this time Flug let go of the corpse and backed away even further, apparently scared of the other.

He saw him as a bigger predator maybe?

Black Hat just got closer, ignoring everything else, and hugged him. Both on the floor full of blood and guts. He held him tight and caressed his back, soft and sweet.

“Come back to me, Doctor~”.

That sounded like a plea, there was pain in the coarse voice. Flug’s mind came back to reality with violence and with a bang, like a plane crashing. So he cried hard, scared like a little kid and held onto the other, hiding his face covered in blood against his chest, staining the elegant clothes.

“I- I’m sorry” he cried.

“It doesn’t matter, you are back, that's what matters”.

Black Hat kissed his forehead and his cheeks and his whole face marked with old scars and landed in his lips, cleaning the blood with pleasure.


Flug smiled slightly, his mouth full of fangs.


He cuddled in his arms and cried in silence, he was back from that abbys, he felt safe. Ironic isn't it? The abyss of his mind is more terrifying for Flug than the arms of that beast of cold darkness. 

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