viernes, 28 de octubre de 2022

28- Magic:

Flug put his hand inside the top hat and took out a fluffy white bunny.

“This is ridiculous, you have seen real magic, Flug. Why do you like this? I can teach you magic if you want”.

“This is not magic” the scientist rolled his eyes “Is prestidigitation, involves art, and science and...”.

“Ok, ok I understand” he laughed “Nerd”.

“Black Hat” he sigh “Just let me be ok? Why do you stay to watch if you don’t like it?”

“Is my hat that you are using”.

“There wasn’t any other”.

“Buy one, you tacky mage”.

“You are in a bad mood, don’t you?”

“I’m hungry” he crossed his arms “And I invited you to dinner, but you are too busy with your magic for babies”.

“So, what bothers you is that I occupy my time in something that is not you” he also crossed his arms, without letting go of the poor animal.

“No” he denied, evading his glance, it seemed that the doctor had guessed correctly.

“Black Hat!” Flug couldn’t help but laugh “Ok, let's go to dinner. Happy?”.

"Let's have rabbit for dinner," he savored maliciously.

Flug looked at the fluffy, adorable, creature that he holded by the ears and smiled.


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