martes, 18 de octubre de 2022

18- Coffee:

Most people think that Black Hat only drinks poisons and high quality alcohol. Maybe the most bitter and intense of coffees. It's mostly true, Black Hat hates sweets, certainly he prefers the bitterness and sourness that makes his tongue hurt. 

But, and this a secret that only Flug knows, Black Hat REALLY likes pumpkin spice latte. 

Every morning Flug has to go to the local coffee shop, which is obligated to serve this coffee all year round, and buys the sugary beverage for his bratty husband. He doesn't mind, he likes to see him smile when he takes a sip of that monstrosity of cream and spices. 

Black Hat never shares of course, but Flug always finds the right moment to clean the cream from his boss’s lips with a kiss. Certainly, bouth think, is the best flavor in the world. 


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