miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022

19- Danger:

¡Oh she was in danger! ¡More than that! ¡She was dead! ¡Oh so dead! And still, death was a better option than the horrors in front of her, that horrible being made of darkness and nightmares, evil and rage incarnated. 
Miss Heed had committed a terrible mistake, she took something that didn't belong to her, she played with his feelings and his mind, she kissed him without permission and now she was going straight to Hell.
“Hahaha...” the laugh of Black Hat came to her ears, distorted and horrible “Hell?” he hissed, reading the mind of the pseudo heroine “Oh, my dear, I'm not going to give you that privilege, I'm going to incinerate your soul myself ando your agony is going to be eternal”.
Flug observed, free of drugs and confusion. He watched impassively the horrors, he watched in silence how he tortured her and consumed her in his darkness. He wondered if he was also in trouble, Black Hat had to be furious with him. Isn't it? And with good reason...
“Flug” the demon called, snapping him of his thoughts.
“Ah... J-jefecito” he didn't dare to look at him, so he looked at the ground “I-I'm so sorry is just...” 
“I know it's not your fault” he interrupted him and put his cold hands under the paper bag “Are you ok? She didn't do anything else. Did she? Because if she did I'm going to bring her back and punish her more severely” 
Flug looked at him, Black Hat seemed so furios and... Worried. 
“She just kissed me, Black Hat, I'm ok” he assured him.
“What a repugnant human, doing things without your consent” he caressed his cheeks “Daring to touch what is mine...” he let him go and looked the other way “Flug, you don't feel obligated to be with me. Don´t you?”
“What?” Flug laughed, nervous “Jefecito what are you saying? Of course not” he denied “How do you ask that?  We've been married for decades” he laughed again, incredulous before the insecurities of the other “Don't  think that ok?” 
Now it was Flug who caressed the others cheeks, making him purr, but those purrs stopped when the demon started to speak again. 
“If you are going to leave me, at least doit of your own will”.
“Black Hat...”.
“I know that I can't give you a family and all that, maybe a woman is better for you”.
“Black Hat...”.
“I mean, it's not like I can make you actually happy, I can't give you what makes mortals happy...” 
“Black Hat!” Flug shaked him “You make me really happy, stop it” he scolded him.
“Really” he nodded “Let's just go home, please” he sighed,  exhausted “I want to go to OUR home, to OUR bed and sleep with MY husband, Ok?”. 
Black Hat smiled, happy, and nodded.
“Let's go home, Doctor~”

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