sábado, 29 de octubre de 2022

29- Death:

One day Flug will die, maybe peacefully in the same room that he has shared with Black Hat for years, maybe in some horrible way in some accident or in the hands of his enemies, but inevitably he’ll die.

That fateful day Black Hat will drown the world in his sorrow, his cries will bring a storm and his lament will be the echo of thunder. 

A flood of biblical proportions, until nothing is left, only him in his sea of tears. He’s going to sink to the bottom, incapable of drowning, incapable of dying, willing to sleep for eternity, to dream with his doctor and wallow in fake bliss until the day he comes back, new and without memories. Other life in another world. 

Black Hat will go to look for him, uncertain if he’s going to be his again, and the cycle will repeat, they’ll love each other and Black Hat will suffer his death, drowning that new world in his sorrow and he'll sleep again until next time.

It will become a thing of legend, his love for him, his cries and eternal lament, repeating over and over again, forever and ever. 

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