miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022

26- Poison:

Poison! Those feelings were poison! They make them soft and weak! They bring with them a sweet agony! 

When he looked at him he felt like dying, he was so blissful that it hurt, his withered heart accelerated, his body light and his mind in the clouds. 

Flug had poisoned him with love and sweetness, with care and affection.

He had him eating from his hand, docil like a kitten. Oh how terrified he felt sometimes! Long were the nights when he doubted him, of his intentions, of how much he loved him, of how genuine he was.

He feared that he was being used, he feared that this intelligent and strategic doctor had been able of manipulate him, he feared that he make him love him with the purpose of obtaining power and the opportunity of using him at his will. 

Any other would have taken such an opportunity. Isn't it? The powerful Black Hat tied with chains, incapable of denying anything because his heart and his whole being was prisoner of feelings that he never felt before and didn’t know how to manage. 

But Flug wasn’t like that, he treated him well even when he didn’t deserve it, he never had taken advantage of his weakness for him, although he could, Black Hat wasn't going to stop him if he ever tried.

In those long nights of doubt he watched the other sleep, peaceful, always searching for him, wanting a hug. 

Black Hat saw him beautiful in that tranquility, in that fake innocence. There was darkness in his doctor and he liked that, every day that love poisoned him more and more.

It was fine, if some day Flug wanted to make him his slave or something like that, it was fine. He deserved suffering anyways, just for being him.

“Whatever makes you happy, Doctor~” he whispered, brushing the red locks away from the sleeping face.

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